A groundbreaking ceremony for the Cali Colombia Temple took place on March 1, 2025. The event was attended by leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, local authorities, and community members, including Cali's mayor, Alejandro Eder.
Elder Jorge T. Becerra, South America Northwest Area President, led the event and offered a dedicatory prayer. “On this day of dedication,” Elder Becerra prayed, “we ask Thee to help each of us to become renewed in our efforts to become true followers of Jesus Christ. Help us to live the gospel and more fully become converted to Thy Son.”
Mayor Alejandro Eder expressed gratitude towards the Church for establishing a temple in their city. “It will strengthen freedom of worship and religion in our city,” he said.
Elder Harold Truque, the Area Seventy who conducted the ceremony, explained that temples are built so individuals can make agreements with their Heavenly Father.
Elder Becerra spoke about the symbolic meaning of "breaking ground," signifying both construction commencement and personal transformation. He referred to Christ’s parable of the sower, urging attendees to cultivate good ground in their hearts for spiritual growth.
“Each of us needs to change something in his life so that the Lord can sow in our hearts and thus [help us] achieve greater peace and happiness,” he concluded.
The Cali Colombia Temple will be Colombia's fourth temple alongside those in Bogotá, Barranquilla, and Medellín. Since its first mission was organized in 1971, Colombia has grown to host over 215,000 Latter-day Saints across nearly 260 congregations.
Temples differ from meetinghouses or chapels used for Sunday services; they are considered houses of the Lord where teachings are reaffirmed through ceremonies like marriage and baptism.